Earlier this year, Schlich Ltd supported a local community project. George Schlich (company principal) and a team of local residents joined forces with other local businesses to save a much relied upon toilet block in East Preston from designated closure.
In the spring of 2020, George co-founded South Strand Community Toilets Limited, with the aim of taking over the toilet block lease from the local authority to save them from imminent closure. The group has worked hard to improve and upgrade the toilet facilities through general repairs, as well as internal and external decorating. It also provides ongoing maintenance to enable walkers, workers, visitors, and local residents including East Preston Infants School to continue to use the toilets all year round.
It is a whole-village community effort, made possible with continued contributions from owners of the nearby beach huts, Angmering-on-Sea Estate Residents’ Association, Kingston Parish Council, East Preston Parish Council, West Kingston Estate Residents’ Association, East Preston Infants School, individual residents who have joined the society, and other miscellaneous donations.
Supporting local community projects is important to the team at Schlich Ltd, and particularly to George Schlich. The team previously contributed to the development of a Forest School at East Preston Infants School, to which George later also gifted five Hop Hornbeam trees. The Forest School has proved a much-enjoyed addition to the school’s facilities and the trees attract local wildlife, while providing shade and shelter. Ensuring the ongoing maintenance of the Forest School, Schlich Ltd offers the additional support of providing a local gardener once a week.
George and the Schlich Ltd team were also behind the tidy-up and ongoing maintenance of a public garden in St Catherine’s Road, Littlehampton, enabling a local gardener to carry out regular work there. As part of this project, Schlich Ltd gifted many plants to Marina Gardens and have worked closely with the local authority Parks and Gardens department in developing the gardens, including making it a safer place and the implementation of a wildflower raised flowerbed.
Another good cause supported by Schlich Ltd, familiar to the residents of Littlehampton and beyond, is the Littlehampton Bonfire Society (LBS). Founded in 1952, LBS organises the town’s annual bonfire and fireworks event, which is dependent on support from local residents and businesses. It is a notable local event on the calendar.
Schlich is looking forward to continuing the support of these community projects throughout the coming years.